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"Present Salvation: Daily" (posted April 1, 2004)
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
- Romans 5:10Salvation is not merely from the penalty of sins, but from the power of sins, and even from the love of them. The gospel does not offer an exemption from sin's penalty while leaving us free to continue under the power of sin, or in the enjoyment of sin's temporary pleasures. Were it to do so, it would be no true salvation, for it would just encourage us to continue in sin: which God forbid!
It is evident that though we can speak of God as the One who has saved us (2 Timothy 1:9), we are still in a world that is full of seductions, with the treacherous flesh within us, and Satan the astute adversary without. Hence we need salvation daily--salvation of practically a continuous sort. Scripture speaks plainly of this present salvation. The Lord Jesus is living in heaven as our High Priest to minister it to us. He is able to "save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them" (Hebrews 7:25).
The present salvation, which we need and get as believers, is based upon the death of Christ, but it actually reaches us by His priestly activities on our behalf as He lives for us on high. We are being "saved by His life" (Romans 5:10); and inasmuch as He ever lives we shall be saved to the uttermost. We shall be saved completely, to the moment when the last foe has disappeared and we are beyond the need of any further salvation for ever.
In order that we may enjoy this practical, everyday salvation we are granted the instruction which is furnished by the Word of God. The Holy Scriptures are able to make us "wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3: 15). The next verse speaks of the Scriptures being profitable not only for teaching but also "for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." This shows the kind of salvation that was in Paul's mind when he wrote, and emphasizes the great part which the Scriptures play in our daily salvation.
We might sum up the matter as regards this daily and present salvation by saying it is ours as the result of Christ's High Priestly intercession, and of our having the Word of God, coupled with the possession of the Holy Spirit, whereby we may understand it and accept its instructions and its warnings.
Frank B. Hole
Adapted from The Great Salvation (Central Bible Truth Depot, Ltd., London)