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2025 | ||
God's New-Creation Work in Christians | Leslie M. Grant | January |
Love One Another | Hamilton Smith | February |
2024 | ||
A New Review of Our Calling | Frank B. Hole | January |
Love Is Not Blind | Charles H. Mackintosh | February |
Exercises for Godliness | Frank B. Hole | March |
The Joy of the Lord's Resurrection | Walter T. Turpin | April/May |
God's Providence in Prophetic Pictures | Henri Rossier | June/July |
What Makes a Christian Spiritual? | Hamilton Smith | August |
Taste and See that the Lord Is Good | Walter T. P. Wolston | September/October |
The Lord Sent It | William Taylor | November |
The Son of God Appears in the World | John N. Darby | December |
2023 | ||
The Promise of a New Covenant | Frank B. Hole | January/February |
It Was Already Done | Walter T. P. Wolston | March/April |
The Good Shepherd's Protection | Hamilton Smith | May/June |
Elisha, the Prophet of Grace | John T. Mawson | July/August |
The Truly Blessed Man | Leslie M. Grant | September/October |
The Atmosphere of Giving Thanks | Hamilton Smith | November |
God's Christmas Plan | George Davison | December |
2022 | ||
Christianity Is Something New | The Christian Friend | January |
God's Precious Jewels | J. P. Conaway | February/March |
Remember the One Who Is Risen | Hamilton Smith | April |
Three Divine Anchors for the Soul | Walter Scott | May/June |
The Golden Wick-Trimmers | Harry A. Ironside | July/August |
Daniel's Confidence in God | Edward Dennett | September |
Daily Expecting the Return of Christ | Walter T. P. Wolston | October |
The Battle of Two I's | Cyrus I. Scofield | November |
Jesus, Immanuel, Savior | John T. Mawson | December |
2021 | ||
Planning Without Worrying | Stephen Campbell | January/February |
Starting Well and Ending Well | Henri L. Rossier | March |
Believing the God of Resurrection | Leslie M. Grant | April |
The Captain of Our Salvation | Raymond K. Campbell | May |
Witnesses Which Speak of Jesus | Frank B. Hole | June/July |
The Coming Reign of Christ | John A. Savage | August/September |
An Assurance of Salvation | James H. Brookes | October/November |
The Most Unlikely Story | John Wilson-Smith | December |
2020 | ||
Goodness and Mercy | John T. Mawson | January |
The Pillow of God's Love | John T. Mawson | February |
Easter: Confidence for Christians | William Kelly | March/April |
Jesus Christ, the Substitute | Frank B. Hole | May/June |
The Liberty of Glory and Grace | J. Wilson Smith | July/August |
Food for Everyone | J. M. B. (1876) | September |
The Night When Christ Was Betrayed | Hamilton Smith | October |
A Thief Finds the Way to Heaven | Charles H. Mackintosh | November |
Moving Forward | Tim Hadley, Sr. | December |
2019 | ||
Following What Is Good | Walter T. P. Wolston | January/February |
God Is for Us | Charles H. Mackintosh | March |
Easter's Little While | Hamilton Smith | April/May |
Seek to Enter In | Cor Bruins | June/July |
Daniel, the Man of Prayer | Hamilton Smith | August/September |
When God Says 'If' | Frederick G. Patterson | October |
Thanking God and Taking Courage | William J. Hocking | November |
God Was Here at Christmas | Samuel Ridout | December |
2018 | ||
Fighting the Good Fight | Frank B. Hole | January |
The God Who Restores Us | Jacob Redekop | February/March |
The Stone of Despair at Easter | Stephen Campbell | April |
No More Stumbling | Harry A. Ironside | May/June |
Jeremiah's Suffering Faith | George André | September/October |
Stages of Spiritual Growth | Hamiton Smith | November/December |
2017 | ||
Food for Our Souls | Hamilton Smith | January/February |
Running from God | G. Christopher Willis | March |
Sorrow and Joy at Easter | Stephen Campbell | April |
A Forgiving Spirit | John R. MacDuff | May/June |
Running the Christian Race | Leslie M. Grant | July/August |
Does He Want To? | Stephen Campbell | September |
Like the Palm Tree | Author unknown | October |
Joseph's Days of Suffering | Hamilton Smith | November |
A Christmas Dinner | Walter T. P. Wolston | December |
2016 | ||
A Prayer for Love's Power | William Kelly | January/February |
The Angel's Easter Message | Laurence Laurenson | March |
The Saints in Light | Andrew Miller | April |
The Savior at the Well | Cor Bruins | May/June |
Behavior in the House of God | Harry A. Ironside | July/August |
God's Message in Our Mouths | George André | October/November |
Christmas: The Humble Savior | G. Christopher Willis | December |
2015 | ||
The Kingdom of God and Heaven | Albert E. Booth | January/February |
God's Soft, Gentle Voice | Hendrik L. Heijkoop | March |
Suffering and Victory at Easter | William J. Hocking | April |
Christianity and Culture | Stephen Campbell | May/June |
Who Has the Holy Spirit? | Albert E. Booth | July/August |
The Servant of All | Hamilton Smith | September/October |
The Habit of Giving Thanks | William J. Hocking | November |
Christmas in the House of Bread | Walter T. P. Wolston | December |
2014 | ||
Thankfulness in the New Year | Matt Gläser | January/February |
Faithful Integrity | Edward Dennett | March |
Easter: Christ Over All | Hamilton Smith | April |
Overcoming Earthly Things | John T. Mawson | May/June |
Food in Canaan | Henri L. Rossier | July/August |
The Symbol of Unleavened Bread | Walter T. P. Wolston | September/October |
The Kingdom of God's Son | Albert E. Booth | November |
The Wonder of Christmas | Hamilton Smith | December |
2013 | ||
Do All in His Name | Edward Dennett | January/February |
Sanctified in Christ Jesus | Harry A. Ironside | March/April |
The Kingdom of Heaven | A. E. Booth | May |
Blessed, Yet Divided | Leslie M. Grant | June |
Three Truths about Trials | Hamilton Smith | July/August |
Distinctive Beliefs | Stephen Campbell | September |
A Troubled World | Frank B. Hole | October |
We Have an Advocate | Charles H. Mackintosh | November |
God's Blessing to Mary | Leslie M. Grant | December |
2012 | ||
The Perfection of Christ | George Henderson | January |
The Purpose of Prophecy | E. C. Hadley | February |
I Did Not Know His Love Before (a poem) | Wendy Greiner Lefko | March |
Doubting at Easter | Frank B. Hole | April/May |
A Servant's Responsibility | Laurence Laurenson | June/July |
Remember No More | Hamilton Smith | August |
As Sinful as Ever | Leslie M. Grant | September |
The Attractions of Christ (a poem) | James G. Deck | October |
Waiting for Jesus | Walter T. P. Wolston | November |
Christmas Incarnation | Edward Dennett | December |
2011 | ||
Life and Godliness | Hamilton Smith | January |
What Was an Apostle? | Algernon J. Pollock | February |
The Love of Money | Leslie M. Grant | March |
The Gospel of Easter | Charles H. Mackintosh | April |
Does God Care? | Algernon J. Pollock | May |
A Daily Witness | G. Christopher Willis | June |
Shoes for God's Glory | Harry A. Ironside | July |
What's a Christian, Really? | A. M. Behnam | August |
Keeping on Track | H. Durbanville (G. Henderson) | September |
No Condemnation | Harry A. Ironside | October |
The Mystery of Godliness | Hamilton Smith | November |
No Room at Christmas | William Kelly | December |
2010 | ||
Help from the Lord | Hamilton Smith | January |
Love That Is Real | Frank B. Hole | February |
The Example of Prayer | Samuel Ridout | March |
Passover and Christ's Death | A. E. Booth | April |
What Place in Your Heart? | John N. Darby | May |
Satan, Job, and God | John G. Bellett | June |
What If? (a poem) | Dan Egli | July/August |
Faith to Walk with Jesus | Charles H. Mackintosh | September |
Confidence in God | John N. Darby | October |
The Beginning of Sin | Frank B. Hole | November |
The Shadow Over Christmas | R. Salcido | December |
2009 | ||
Grace for the New Year | John N. Darby | January |
The Greatest Bible Verse | from John 3:16 | February |
The Mayor and the Judge | Stephen Campbell | March |
The Thief at Calvary | William Kelly | April |
Peace in the Storm | Hamilton Smith | May |
How the Bible Helps Today | Gerard Elbers | June |
Jesus: Lord and God | Leslie M. Grant | July |
Three Words that Honor God | P. Tadros | August |
True Worship for God | E. C. Hadley | September |
Justice or Mercy? | Leslie M. Grant | October |
The Purpose of Proverbs | Harry A. Ironside | November |
Christmas Trees | Unknown | December |
2008 | ||
Citizens of Heaven | G. Christopher Willis | January |
God's Explanation of Love | John R. Caldwell | February |
Christ's Humility at Calvary | G. Christopher Willis | March |
Salvation and Joy | George Cutting | April |
He Lived for His Faith (a poem) | Ernest Crosby | May |
God's Great Power | Hamilton Smith | June |
Faith to Use What You Have | John G. Bellett | July |
The Prayer Meeting | Albert Blok | August |
Coming Events for the Church | E. C. Hadley | September |
Motive for Christian Service | Charles H. Mackintosh | October |
Always Giving Thanks | Hamilton Smith | November |
God's Perfect Christmas Gift | G. J. Stewart | December |
2007 | ||
Checking Your Spiritual Health | Dr. A. Behnam | January |
A Burglar in Brazil | Stephen Campbell | February |
Food for Body and Soul | Frank B. Hole | March |
Easter Thoughts: The Humility of Jesus | Hamilton Smith | April |
The Value of Thanksgiving | E. C. Hadley | May |
Time to Wash Up | Dr. A. Behnam | June |
Liberty, Freedom, Victory | John T. Mawson | July |
A Steady Christian Life | Henri L. Rossier | August |
God's Armor for Christian Battles | Hamilton Smith | September |
The Focus Point of Christian Life | Charles H. Mackintosh | October |
The Righteousness of God | George C. Willis | November |
Christmas: Jesus Comes in Weakness | John N. Darby | December |
2006 | ||
Every Christian a Priest: Living Stones | Charles H. Mackintosh | January |
Every Christian a Priest: A Holy Priesthood | Charles H. Mackintosh | February |
Every Christian a Priest: A Royal Priesthood | Charles H. Mackintosh | March |
Seeking Jesus | Hamilton Smith | April |
Pure in Heart | Tim Touzeau | May |
Six Facts About Christians | Raymond K. Campbell | June |
The Prayer God Doesn't Like | Eugene P. Vedder, Jr. | July |
The Transformed Life | John T. Mawson | August |
The Lord Is My Shepherd | Hamilton Smith | September |
The Faith that Is Real | Charles H. Mackintosh | October |
The Lord Is Gracious | John N. Darby | November |
Treasures for the Lord | Alfred E. Bouter | December |
2005 | ||
The Church: God's New Beginning | Raymond K. Campbell | January |
The Church: The Body of Christ | Walter T. P. Wolston | February |
The Church: The House of God | Hamilton Smith | March |
The Church: The Bride of Christ | Raymond K. Campbell | April |
Free for Life | Grant W. Steidl | May |
Christ in the Four Gospels | Charles H. Mackintosh | June |
At Jesus' Feet | Hamilton Smith | July |
Christ Seen in the Offerings - Part 1 of 3 | Harry A. Ironside | August |
Christ Seen in the Offerings - Part 2 of 3 | Harry A. Ironside | September |
Christ Seen in the Offerings - Part 3 of 3 | Harry A. Ironside | October |
A Thankful Heart | J. R. MacDuff | November |
Unto You a Savior Is Born | Author unknown | December |
2004 | ||
Three Words for the Christian | Grant W. Steidl | January |
Healing Broken Hearts | Hamilton Smith | February |
Past Salvation: Completed | Frank B. Hole | March |
Present Salvation: Daily | Frank B. Hole | April |
Future Salvation: Glorious Hope | Frank B. Hole | May |
A Just God and a Savior | John N. Darby | June |
The Sin-Purger | William H. Westcott | July |
True Liberty | James P. Trotzer | August |
Peace through Christ's Blood | Charles H. Mackintosh | September |
A Wedding Miracle | Harry A. Ironside | October |
Heaven's Cure for Earth's Care | George Henderson | November |
Joy to the World | Stephen Campbell | December |
2003 | ||
In Every Circumstance | John N. Darby | January |
Saved at Passover | Walter T. P. Wolston | February |
Delivered at the Red Sea | William Kelly | March |
Resurrection Victory at the Jordan River | A. E. Booth | April |
Camping at Gilgal | Walter T. P. Wolston | May |
The Tactics of the Devil | George Cutting | June |
An Empty Heart | Charles H. Mackintosh | July |
Christian Victory | Alfred E. Bouter | August |
The Christian Attitude | E. C. Hadley | September |
Overcoming Temptation | Timothy P. Hadley | October |
Thankful for God's Goodness | Leslie M. Grant | November |
Witnesses to Jesus' Birth | William Kelly | December |
2002 | ||
All Things New | F. W. Grant | January |
Accepted in Christ | Charles H. Mackintosh | February |
Understanding the Bible - Part 1 of 3 | Grant W. Steidl | March |
Understanding the Bible - Part 2 of 3 | Grant W. Steidl | April |
Understanding the Bible - Part 3 of 3 | Grant W. Steidl | May |
Reform or Regenerate? | Dwight L. Moody | June |
Jesus in Heaven: Our Great High Priest | George Henderson | July |
Jesus in Heaven: Our Intercessor | Frank B. Hole | August |
Jesus in Heaven: Our Advocate | F. Hole / C. Mackintosh | September |
Fear or Faith? | Charles H. Mackintosh | October |
Christ Our Sanctification | Charles H. Mackintosh | November |
Christ the Savior Is Born | F. W. Grant | December |
2001 | ||
The King's Mistakes | Stephen Campbell | October |
Justified by Faith | Harry A. Ironside | November |
Advent: Past and Future | J. Darby / G. Henderson | December |