Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.
- Philippians 3:8
We find that when a person is converted, Christ is everything to him, and the world is not more than a vain show-- vanity and nothing. Unseen things now fill the heart. But afterwards, as the man goes on with his daily duties and contacts, though Christ is still precious to him, he does not continue to count all things but loss as at first. Often it is that he counted all things loss only once. But Paul says, "I do count," not merely, "I did." Christ should always hold such a place in our hearts as He did when salvation was first revealed to us.
Of course, if a man has not Christ as his foundation, he is no Christian at all. But even where Christ is in a man, and he is walking blamelessly, yet if you speak to him of Christ, there may not be an echo in his heart, though his life goes on smoothly. Christ is indeed at the bottom, and a fair Christian walk at the top; but between these two lie a hundred fifty things that Christ has nothing to do with at all. His life is practically passed without Christ.
This will not do. The heart that goes on without Christ readily becomes the highway of whatever the world pours in.
Do you have forgiveness of sins? Good, but what is governing your heart now? Is your eye resting on Christ in glory? Is the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus so before your soul that it governs everything and makes you count all else as loss? You will have temptations, I know; but nine-tenths of the temptations which beset and hinder us would not exist if Christ had His place in our hearts.
John N. Darby