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"Doubting at Easter" (posted April 2, 2012)

  Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, "Peace be with you."
  When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. The the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.
  Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.
   - John 20:19, 20, 24

Thomas was not present on the evening of the resurrection day, and hence when he heard the testimony of the other disciples-- which they condensed into five words of deepest import, "We have seen the Lord!"-- he was not prepared to accept it.

In a spirit of stubborn doubt he declared that unless he had visible and tangible evidence of a most indubitable sort, evidence that most clearly identified the One who appeared with the One who had died upon the cross, he would not believe. By thus challenging the disciples' testimony, he was really flinging down a challenge to his risen Lord, which if accepted would place His resurrection beyond all question as far as he was concerned.

The Lord in condescending grace did accept it a week later. Again He appeared in their midst, though the doors were shut. Again He saluted them with the words, "Peace unto you." Then He bade Thomas do exactly as he had said, that he might have not only the visible but also the tangible evidence he desired. And not only this, but He gave a spiritual sign also. His words to Thomas revealed that the challenge flung down when He was not visibly present was perfectly known to the risen Lord.

The effect on Thomas of all this was overwhelming. The stubborn doubter, when he is convinced, is convinced indeed! A few minutes ago he was dragging far behind the other disciples; now in his rapturous confession he goes at one bound definitely beyond them.

Only five words again! But what words they were: "My Lord and My God!"

Frank B. Hole

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