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"A Troubled World" (posted October 13, 2013)
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.
- 2 Corinthians 4:8 Clashing interests, conflict, upheaval, and unrest are no new things in the earth. When, since the entrance of sin, did they not exist? Admitting this, however, we venture to affirm that the present epidemic of unrest and upheaval has assumed such proportions that it may justly be termed the leading feature of the age: and further, with the Bible as our guide, to anticipate that it will increase yet more. In view of these things, what shall we say? Let us in the first place not be disturbed in mind, as we view the unrest and the spirit of upheaval which fills the earth today. Let us rather be concerned that we keep flying the flag of true testimony to Christ and to the gospel which is centered in Him. God does not vary His plan of action as men invariably have to do. The instructions given by our Lord at the outset still stand good—the Holy Spirit has come, and we follow the first disciples; as He said, “You shall be witnesses unto Me” (Acts 1:8). Then further, let us not join hands with the world nor aid its schemes and movements which, though they may not know it, are paving the way for Antichrist. Let us abide in communion with the Father and the Son, when our attitude towards the men of the world will be as the Scripture directs: We shall, as much as lies in us, live peacefully with all men, and instead of being overcome by evil, we shall overcome evil with good (Romans 15:18, 21). Lastly, we shall treasure in our hearts the thought that all the unrest and overturning is only until He comes. Shall we not turn our eyes toward the sun-rising of that long-looked for day, and say, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus”? Frank B. Hole |