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"The Pillow of God's Love" (posted February 4, 2020)

   He leads me beside the still waters.
   - Psalm 23:2

The still waters speak of quietness of heart, not necessarily because circumstances are quiet, but peace and quietness of heart no matter what the circumstances may be. Do you remember that wonderful passage, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You" (Isaiah 26:3)? It is not, "You will place him in the midst of a peaceful environment." It means that we may be in perfect peace in the midst of circumstances that seem all against us.

We have an example of it in the Lord Jesus Himself. Recall that incident on the lake of Galilee when a great storm arose. The winds blew and the waves dashed in their fury against the tiny boat in which He sailed, and it seemed as though it would be broken and wrecked by the angry tempest. All in that boat, seasoned mariners though they were, were in a panic of fear, save One; and "His head was on a pillow laid / And He was fast asleep" [as expressed in song lyrics by Dorothy Thrupp].

Why did not the disciples stretch themselves by His side and share the peace that filled His blessed heart? They awoke Him from His sleep, and with one word He brought those tempestuous billows in quietness to His feet as a man might bring his dog to his heel. But those disciples were just as safe in the storm as they were when a great calm laid itself upon the sea. There was no reason why they should not have shared His peace.

The Lord can give His peace to our hearts, but we shall need a pillow to put our heads upon or we shall not enjoy it. What pillow was it that Jesus put His head upon? The pillow of His Father's changeless love.

He knew that His hand held the reins. Those wild, tempestuous waves were under His control, and in the knowledge of His Father's changeless love He could rest; and He gives us that same love to rest upon.

John T. Mawson

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