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"The Coming Reign of Christ" (posted September 11, 2021)
And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
- Revelation 11:15 It will be a tremendous day of awakening to many when the vaunted glory of earth's little kingdoms, which had so engrossed the time and energies of mankind for ages, will be seen in its true insignificance in comparison with the greatness and splendour of Christ's coming Kingdom; and when some of the leading nations, then found in direct and defiant rebellion against God, will melt away at the presence of the Lord, the King of kings, coming forth in majestic power and with judgment to establish His righteous reign on the earth (Revelation 19:11-16). In view of these stupendous events that are now rapidly drawing near, how inestimably precious and cheering are the prospects of the children of God compared with the dread outlook of the poor worldlings. [They are] "the dwellers on the earth" (Revelation 6:10) whose hearts and lives are wholly centred on earthly things, and who have nothing beyond to look forward to but "a certain fearful looking for of judgment" (Hebrews 10:27). The true Christian possesses not only present rest and peace, and the full assurance of eternal life through faith in the finished work of Christ, but has, moreover, that "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13) and the soul-inspiring joy of looking forward with delightful anticipation to the bright and happy day-- now near at hand-- when they shall be caught up to be with the Lord in glory. Then, after a brief interval in heaven, [they] come forth as the armies of heaven with the Lord Himself (Revelation 19:14), to judge the nations, and be partakers with Him in His glorious reign over the earth. Thus they can, and do, most heartily join with all the saints of every age in ever repeating that first petition in the beautiful prayer which our Lord taught His disciples, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). John A. Savage |