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"What Makes a Christian Spiritual?" (posted August 23, 2024)

   Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
   - 1 Corinthians 2:12

The reception of the truth is by the Spirit of God. The natural man cannot receive the things of God; they are foolishness to him; they can only be spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual discerns all things (verse 15).

We do well to remember that it is the "spiritual" one (not simply he that has the Spirit) who discerns all things. A man must, indeed, have the Spirit to be spiritual; but being spiritual implies a condition in which a man is under the control of the Spirit. Such discern all things, yet they themselves are not discerned of any. The spiritual man can discern the motives that govern the world, though the world cannot discern the motives and principles that govern the spiritual man.

In verse 14 the apostle speaks of the natural man; in verse 15 of the spiritual man; and in 1 Corinthians 3 of the carnal, or fleshly, man. The natural man is the unconverted man, without the Spirit; the carnal man is the believer, having the Spirit, but walking like the natural man; the spiritual man is the believer walking in the Spirit.

In verse 15 the apostle tells us that "the spiritual discerns all things." It is not indeed that such naturally know the mind of the Lord, or can instruct Him; but the Lord has given to believers His Spirit and instructs them; such can therefore say, "We have the mind of Christ".

If the first chapter [of this epistle] shuts out the flesh in its pride of birth and power and position, so that he that will glory glories in the Lord; then this chapter shuts out the mind of man, so that believers may be let into the privilege of having "the mind of Christ" through the Spirit.

The Spirit is the great theme of the chapter. If Paul brings the testimony of God to sinners, it is "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (verse 4). If God has prepared great blessings for those who love Him, they are revealed unto the apostles by the Spirit (verse 10).

The things that are revealed by the Spirit are fully known to the Spirit (verses 10-11). The things revealed and known to the apostles are, through them, communicated to others by the Spirit (verse 13). The things communicated by the apostles are received by the Spirit (verse 14), the result being that believers are, through the Spirit, instructed in the mind of Christ (verse 16).

Hamilton Smith

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